Smokers and asthmatics!

Okay, so I don’t have anything real bad against smokers, its your body and you are aloud to smoke if you want to, its your choice and I don’t really care what you choose. But it really annoys me when smokers smoke around public areas, like outside the doors of a shopping center or near the bins. Its rather annoying because, some people don’t smoke, some people have severe asthma and start choking up when around it. And plus, its really smelly.. but I didn’t choose to smoke or smell it, so why should I have to get up from my seat or walk 20m away from a public safe zone just to get away from the smoke. Like for example, at work I take the rubbish to the bins but I sometimes have to wait for the compactors to finish before loading them in, people sit right next to the door and smoke and it really starts to make you feel sick especially because I’m an asthmatic and my lungs just die, Its kinda unfair. All I request is that you stand further away from public areas. What If someone had an asthma attack right there in front of you smoking? How would you feel then? its just a bit of common courtesy I think, its just like when people spray aerosol deodorant in the toilets and when you go in next its just this overwhelming smell of sweet flowers that destroys your nostrils and lungs. Asthmatics are becoming more and more common in modern day society, and its mainly because of lack of exercise and growing pollution in the world. I feel fantastic when I’m out in the bush or at the beach the smell of fresh air, but as soon as I’m in town around cars you practically die. Anyway, this is my little rant for today, but again I say. Don’t HATE smokers, just saying its frustrating to do everyday tasks but having to struggle to breath.

Will post some art eventually too 😉

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